Website Home Page

A personal homepage is a World Wide Web page belonging to one person. It can be about that person or about something he or she is interested in. Personal homepages can be the entire content of site belonging to the person, or can be a page or pages that are part of a larger site on which other page or pages are located - an expample of one such larger site is GeoCities. Personal homepages are often used solely for informative or entertainment purposes.

A personal homepage may be as simple as a single page or may be as elaborate as an online database with gigabytes of data.[citation needed] Many Internet service providers offer a few megabytes of space for customers to host their own personal "homepage."[citation needed]

The content of personal homepages varies and can, depending on the hosting server, contain anything that any other websites do. However, typical personal homepages contain images, text and a collection of "favorite links." Many also contain short biographies, résumés, and blogs. Common elements of a personal web site include a home page, image gallery, blog, and information about the author of the site. Almost all personal sites will include information about the author's hobbies and pastimes. Many personal web sites are of interest to a limited group of people such as the friends and family of the author.

When an HTTP client (generally a web browser) requests a URL that points at just a directory rather than at a file within a directory the web server will generally serve up some kind of main or index page.

As the index is the first screen of a website that a user can see, this page is sometimes used to propose a list of languages without displaying any information in a particular language.

index.html is the traditional filename for such a page, but most modern HTTP servers offer a configurable list of filenames for the server to use as an index if possible. If a server is configured to support server-side scripting, then there will usually be entries in the list to allow dynamic content to be used as the index page (e.g. index.php, index.shtml, default.asp). For example, in the popular open source web server Apache, the list of filenames is controlled by the DirectoryIndex directive in the main server configuration file or in the configuration file for that directory.

References: Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia
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